Dove's Update

Good afternoon Preschool Penguins and Families,

We hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend and are staying warm today. Please see below for a peek at the upcoming week. It's Read Across America Week, see the image attached for our spirit week as we celebrate!

🔗Spirit Week Schedule

Upcoming Events

  • 3/4: Nurse's workshop

  • 3/6: Family Night —

    Art show and Wolf trap — please join us from 3:00 - 6:30 PM. Stop in a see the amazing art any time or join our wolf trap experience beginning at 4:15 PM!

  • 3/7: No school for students


  1. This time of year, the weather is all over the place. Please be sure to check the weather and dress your child appropriately as they will be going outside as often as possible.

  2. If you change your phone number, please call and let us know so we can update our system.

  3. If you need to add family or friends as emergency contacts to get your child off the bus, please put it in writing to the school or ask for a new contacts form to be sent home. The adult getting your child off the bus must be listed as an emergency contact, have their id, and orange card with them every time!

Thank you for your ongoing support and for being such great partners with us! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Warm regards,
Laura Dove
Director of Preschool Programs